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Questions around mInstaller, downloading, installing and uninstalling purchased products.
13 articles
I see the warning “Unable to connect to the motionVFX server”
I have purchased one of your Compositing Packs – how do I install and use it?
mInstaller hangs when launched and causes "beachballing".
After installing, I can't find the product in any of FCP's browsers.
How to install, uninstall or reinstall a product using mInstaller?
I've purchased a product, but it's not showing up in mInstaller
Where does mInstaller store downloaded files?
What is mInstaller, and why would I need it?
mInstaller is stuck on loop
Nothing happens after pressing the [Install] button in mInstaller.
Downloads are slow or are stopping.
Can't update mInstaller!
I can't install my products on Windows